After getting some good advice (thanks
Albert!) I've decided to start posting images I've taken. I've been a long time poster at the
Texican Tattler and will continue to post there as long as JR lets me!!
However, over the past couple of years, I've been busy playing with a camera and I'm having quite a bit of fun with it.
My sight picture will be the place where I post select pictures I've taken; this will be a politics free zone! Mostly, anyway.
I have a smug mug page setup
here, where you'll find my landscape images and a flickr page
here where I put other stuff, like shooting.
I don't consider myself a "real" photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I've got a couple of pretty nice cameras I play around with, and I'm learning a lot, just about every day, really.
The title of this page is an obvious play on words. For those of ya'll who don't know me from my posts on the Tattler, I'm a hard core
USPSA (mostly) and
IDPA (occasionally) shooter. The ability to have the right sight picture on the target is of utmost importance. Taking a good picture has a lot in common with taking a good sight picture - you've got to know what you're looking at and be able to put the lens where you want it - just like the front sight of a firearm. I also figure that something like "my picture site" would be pretty boring, so with a little play on words, allow me to introduce to you
My Sight Picture. I hope ya'll enjoy the images as much as I did taking them.
For starters, I present to you sunrise from this past Sunday morning, as I was getting ready to leave for the shooting range.